Employment Blog

5 Tips for Writing a Better Cover Letter

Published by Equis Staffing

A well-written cover letter can make or break your application, but many job seekers don’t spend the necessary time and effort when it comes to crafting a successful letter. A personalized and detailed cover letter can make a real difference in whether or not you land an interview with your dream company, so you shouldn’t depend on copy-and-paste “plug and play” templates found on the web. Instead follow our tips below to write a more personal and effective letter.

Don’t rehash what’s already on your resume Your cover letter should bring something new to your application. While your cover letter should touch on why you’re a good fit for the position, you shouldn’t try to address every single requirement from the job ad. Make sure your cover letter highlights your greatest accomplishments and includes any pertinent information not already on your resume. Be more thoughtful about what you decide to include.

Customize it Don’t use a boilerplate cover letter. Instead, tailor your cover letter to each job you apply to and mention why you’re interested in this specific opportunity or why you want to work with this specific company. You want to show genuine excitement for this particular job opening.

Don’t make embellishments or exaggerate your qualifications Avoid generic phrases like “I’m the best person for the job” or “You can stop looking – I’m the candidate you’ve been searching for.” You can’t truly know that you’re this company’s perfect candidate, and these are empty claims. Instead, be specific in stating your accomplishments and honestly assess your abilities without going overboard.

Engage the reader It’s not always necessary to use overly formal language in your cover letter. Try to be more conversational and draw the reader in. While your cover letter should be relatable and friendly, it should also be informative and use proper grammar and spelling. Avoid slang or jargon.

Be concise Try to keep your cover letter to one page or below. You want to touch upon your accomplishments and qualifications without being overindulgent. Your cover letter should be a quick, concise read that draws the reader in. Do you have other words of advice for jobseekers looking to craft superior cover letters? Please share your tips with us!

If you are looking to hire an IT, Accounting, or Finance professional, or work in any of those fields and looking to advance your career, you can contact Equis Staffing via email at info@equisdifference.com or give us a call at (818) 444-0100.
