Employment Blog

7 Habits of Successful Job Seekers

Published by Equis Staffing

In today’s job market it can be difficult to land the job you want. While job hunting feels like a daunting task, job seekers themselves can have an enormous impact on the outcome of their job searches. Job seekers need to be proactive and ready to face any challenges they may encounter during a job search, which is why it is important to develop the habits of a successful job seeker.

The following are a few habits that can help job seekers see better results in their search:

Target your search. Define your career goals and values, and then search out the companies whose standards align with your own. By targeting companies that you believe in, you can more easily zero in on positions that you would be a natural fit for. This will also help you avoid making a rash decision and accepting a job you’ll only want to move on from within the next year.

Network. Establish new business relationships as well as nurture existing ones. Continue to expand your network of contacts and provide support or help to those in your network, even if they can’t directly help you with your job search. Remember to connect with people one-on-one and regularly keep in touch. Never stop building your network.

Be prepared. You should be ready for anything when job searching. Always have your job materials, such as a portfolio or your resume, regularly updated and in an easily accessible place (whether printed out or digitally in the cloud). It will also be beneficial to maintain a schedule similar to that of a regular workday, even if you are unemployed. This will ensure that you are ready to answer a potential employer’s call or email when it comes in.

Stay educated. Keep up to date with the latest happenings in your field and take advantage of any educational opportunities that may pop up. Staying informed with the latest industry trends will help you determine what sectors of your field will be primed for growth in the future. It will also guarantee that you’ll be current on the latest developments, which you can leverage in interviews to demonstrate your knowledge.

Practice, practice, practice. Don’t wait for actual interviews to hone your interview skills. Practice your interviewing skills with friends, family, or with other job seekers. By doing this you’ll be prepared for some of the most common interview questions and polish your answers as well as your overall presentation. You can even video or audio tape these practice interviews and use these recordings to improve for the future.

Be flexible. You might want to consider a change in career or broadening your geographic range to open up more job opportunities. Think about how your skills translate to different industries or different segments of your current industry. Keep your career goals in mind, but don’t discount unconventional options.

Take care of yourself. Job hunting can be stressful. Exercise, eat healthy, and get enough sleep every night. Having energy and being healthy is vital for maintaining a successful job search. Don’t isolate yourself – keep regular contact with friends and family and do what is right for your mental health.

You will need plenty of energy and self-discipline to manage a successful job search, as you might face a variety of pressures from both the job market itself as well as personal commitments. However, by following the above tips to develop the habits of a successful job seeker and staying focused on your goals, you will be better equipped to find and land your next job.

If you are looking to hire an IT, Accounting, or Finance professional, or work in any of those fields and looking to advance your career, you can contact Equis Staffing via email at info@equisdifference.com or give us a call at (818) 444-0100.
