Employment Blog

How Millennials Are Changing the Job Search

Published by Equis Staffing

Whether employers realize it or not Millennials, those born between 1981 and 2000, are changing the way job searching is done. They’ve taken a lot of abuse from various pundits and commentators, being labeled both lazy and entitled. No matter if this is the case or not, Millennials are ultimately the future of business. There are approximately 80 million Millennials and they make up about 25% of the US workforce currently, according to Millennial workplace expert Lindsey Pollack.

With so many Millennials already in the workforce or looking to join it, it’s easy to see how they might be making an impact on the job search process. What tactics are Millennials using to find their next (or first) job, and can you use them, too? (The answer to that is yes.)

Millennials take full advantage of social media to extend their network. Sometimes job searching is all about connections. The days of “knowing a guy who knows a guy” aren’t gone – they’ve just been joined by the days of “I follow a guy on Twitter.” The majority of Millennials would be lost without technology. In fact, most of them check their smartphones 43 times per day, according to Adweek. It might seem that this dependence on technology might be a bad thing, but Millennials are not just Instagramming photos of their lunch. They’re using sites like LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with others in their industry. They’re building new, meaningful relationships that could lead to new job opportunities. Many employers are right there alongside them, as 92% of companies in the United States use social media to recruit candidates.

Millennials are "always on." The 2012 "Candidate Behavior Study" from Inavero and CareerBuilder found that, regardless of their employment status, 81% of Millennials are either open to new opportunities or actively looking for a new job. This means that Millennials are always up for a challenge, and the majority of them are constantly in "job search mode." This mentality puts them in a mindset where they are always engaging people when it comes to new opportunities and experiences. For Millennials the job search doesn't stop when they leave the job boards. This means that employers need to be on their toes and continually providing information on the company and why it's a great place to work.

Millennials are not afraid to move. The "Candidate Behavior Study" also showed that 82% of Millennial workers would be willing to relocate for the right job. Employers looking for qualified workers might therefore want to reconsider any policies or biases that write off non-local candidates. The job search is expanding.

Just as in the past, generational change and technological advances are set to change the way we do business. The role of technology and other digital advances will have a big impact on the way people look for jobs, and Millennials are already prepared for that world. Other job seekers can take a page out of the Millennial book now and start looking at the job search in a whole new way.

If you are looking to hire an IT, Accounting, or Finance professional, or work in any of those fields and looking to advance your career, you can contact Equis Staffing via email at info@equisdifference.com or give us a call at (818) 444-0100.
