Employment Blog

Using Twitter to Help Find A New Job

Published by Equis Staffing

Twitter is what you make of it. Some people use it to follow celebrities; many use it to find breaking news, and others use it only to socialize with other individuals who share common interests. While many people use Twitter as a simple means to pass the time, there are those who use the platform as a way to further their careers.

Whether you're unemployed or currently working, but casually looking for something new, Twitter can be a resourceful tool when searching for new job opportunities. Job seekers laugh at the thought of using Twitter to find a job but the social media site gives you numerous opportunities to find what you are looking for, but it all depends on whether you know what to look for and how you use it.

Social media has, and will, continue to change the world. Regardless of the industry, employers are interested to see if candidates are socially active online. If you’ve never cared for Twitter and its advantages before, hopefully you’ll have a change of heart after reading these tips on how you can use Twitter to land your next job.

Tailor Your Profile

According to a nationwide study by CareerBuilder, 39 percent of employers use social networking sites to research potential candidates. This means that even if you are not on Twitter, companies who are considering you for a position are checking to see if you are. While many users prefer not to have their profile seen by employers (either current or future), those hunting for a job , should want to be found.

To make sure employers can easily find you, be sure to choose a Twitter handle that can be spelled easily, written easily, and memorized by recruiters. Because of Twitter’s popularity, getting your exact name as your handle may be impossible because someone else has probably already taken it. If your name isn't available as a twitter handle, get creative. Just make sure your name is accurate in the "Name" field so people can still find you.

Also, be sure to include information about who you are and your profession in the bio section. You can include your job title, current employer, and something distinctive that will catch a recruiter's eye. This will give those who come to your page a better understanding of who you are as a professional.

Tip: To show employers that you are actively engaging online and to help them find you, include your Twitter handle on your resume.

Follow Companies You Like

We all have dream jobs and companies we would love to work for. Do you know one of the quickest ways to find out about company's job openings? Twitter! Many companies have fully embraced Twitter, and they use it tweet their latest job openings. Follow all your favorite companies, and be one of the first to discover the latest opportunities. Create a list of companies you are interested in and start following them today!

Tip: There are a number of Twitter accounts dedicated to tweeting the latest job listings by field, company, region, and more. Some companies even have a unique twitter handle for their HR department. Select a few that are the best match as to what you are looking for and follow them. Be sure to turn on your notifications so you can see their updates as they come in.

Follow Industry Influencers

Figure out who the most influential people are in your industry and follow them. Take it a step further, and search for people within a particular company you would like to work for and see if they are on Twitter. If so, be sure to follow them also. The big benefit of following key industry influencers is engagement and networking. Retweet their most intriguing tweets, write messages to them using the “@“ symbol, and open up dialogue with them. This is a great way to build relationships with decision makers who may have insight into upcoming openings or whom you can use as referrals.

Engage In Conversation

It is one thing to have a profile and another to be actively engaging with it. Many people create Twitter profiles, but never take part in any conversation, leaving their feed dull and boring, thus never being seen. Be sure to stay actively engaged on Twitter, tweeting articles and expressing your personal observations on various industry related topics.

If you are in a field where you can showcase your work visually, feel free to tweet links or images of your accomplishments. The more interesting your tweets, the more likely you will attract followers from your field.

Follow Job Specific Hashtags

Hashtags are words that have a “#” in front of them, and are most often used in social media messages to organize content around a particular theme. For example, you may see something like “#JobOpenings” on your timeline. People who want to share information about their new job opening could include the “#JobOpenings” hashtag so anyone who searches for that specific hashtag would see all the tweets for a job opening. This is very important when searching for a job because companies and recruiters who post jobs on Twitter, usually include some form of an hashtag so job seekers like you can easily find them.

Here are a few popular hashtags you can follow to get started: #JobListing, #JobOpening, #JobHuntChat, and #Freelance.

Tips: Equis Staffing uses the Twitter hashtags #SoCalJobAlert when announcing new accounting, IT, and finance jobs in the Southern California area. You can also follow the hashtag #TipsByEquis to get daily career advice from some of Equis Staffings top recruiters.

Include Links and Contact Info

Recruiters, hiring managers, and other industry professionals can easily come across your page at any time, so it's important to include links to your work (if necessary) and your email address in your bio so they can contact you. Make it easy for them and have your email address clearly displayed.

Tip: Be sure to have a professional email address, separate from your personal email. Keep it simple, specific for your career, and avoid anything cutesy or inappropriate.

There are many benefits for using Twitter as part of your job search as it can help you find new opportunities and get in front of the right people. Please remember that Twitter shouldn't be the only tool you use on your journey to find new employment. In some areas Twitter can be very useful but only as a complement to the other job-hunting activities you have going on.

If you've had success landing a job using Twitter, please share your experience with us in the comment section below!

If you are a professional in the Southern California area looking for a new opportunity in the accounting, IT, or finance fields, please forward your resume to Equis Staffing at info@equisdifference.com, and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you. If you wish to contact us by phone, we can be reached (818) 444-0100.

Don't forget to follow @EquisStaffing on Twitter!

