Employment Blog

Personal Branding 101: Preparing for Job Search Success in the New Year

Published by Equis Staffing

Your personal brand is a representation of who you are, both as a professional and a human being. By diligently crafting a strong brand, you can effectively manage your reputation, giving you the ability to shape the kinds of opportunities that you attract and your overall level of success.

Many job seekers struggle when it comes to cultivating their personal brand, largely because they aren’t entirely sure where to begin. If you are ready to forge your reputation, here are some personal branding tips that can get you on your way.

Secure a Platform

In the vast majority of cases, you need online platforms to manage your personal brand. Ideally, this involves both a website and social media accounts, giving you multiple places where you can share your expertise and perspective.

When you work to build a website, securing your own domain that includes your name is best. However, if your name is common, don’t be afraid to explore variations, like including middle initials or using your full name instead of what you go by (or vice versa).

Understand What You Bring to the Table

With your personal brand, the goal is to showcase what you have to offer. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and striving to identify your core area of expertise, you can craft a focused message that can attract potential employers and entice hiring managers.

Effectively, you are creating a value proposition that highlights the best of what you can provide and how companies can benefit from what you offer. When you understand precisely what you are capable of and how businesses can benefit from your capabilities, you can share those details as a means of establishing your brand.

Put Your Knowledge on Display

Telling a company that you have the right skills and expertise isn’t enough; you need to show them. As you craft your personal brand, aim to include examples that demonstrate your knowledge. For example, you may want to add an online portfolio, write blog posts, or even make videos that allow you to share what you know. Then, make sure the information is accessible through multiple platforms.

By using this approach, you can put your knowledge on display and increase your level of exposure. With time, this can demonstrate that you are a subject-matter expert, something that potential employers often value.

However, make sure that all of your content speaks to your core audience (potential employers) and is focused on your primary niche. Otherwise, your core message isn’t clearly displayed, decreasing the odds that companies and hiring managers will see what you are bringing to the table and how you create value for them.

Get More Help With Your Personal Brand to Find Your Next Job!

With the tips above, you can leverage the power of personal branding to craft your reputation and land opportunities. If you would like to learn more, the highly skilled professionals at Equis Staffing can help. Contact us to speak with one of our team members about your career goals today and see how our expertise in the personal branding arena can benefit you.
