Employment Blog

How to Get an Inside Referral and Get Hired

Published by Equis Staffing

Chances are you’d like to increase the likelihood of getting an interview at your dream company. You’ve probably spent hours perfecting your resume, writing a customized cover letter, and updating all your relevant skills to your LinkedIn profile. But is there something more effective you could be doing? It turns out that there is something you can do to improve your chances: get a referral.

A 2013 article from The New York Times reported on a study that found referred candidates were twice as likely to get an interview compared to other applicants, and once they got to the interview stage referred candidates had a 40% better chance of getting hired.

Employers feel more confident with referred candidates. If you’ve got a connection at the company you want to work for, whether it’s a current employee or a recruiter that works with them frequently, you can probably secure a referral without much difficulty. The best thing you can do in this situation is to simply ask for the referral.

But what if you don’t have these connections? Can you still somehow get an inside referral?


Here are three ways to make connections that can lead to a referral.

Network. If you want to meet employees of a certain company, you’ll need to go where they are. Attend industry networking events that employees attend or visit job fairs that the company sends representatives to. Make sure to pass along the most recent version of your resume and always put your best foot forward in these interactions – you’ll want to make a positive impression so the employee will feel comfortable in recommending you. (Many companies offer a referral bonus for employees that refer a successful hire, so there may be something in it for them, too.)

Check LinkedIn. You can use LinkedIn to see how you may be connected to current employees. When searching for jobs, LinkedIn can be a great resource for identifying people that work at the company you are interested in and if you have any connections in common. You can send messages to these 2nd or 3rd connections yourself, or (better yet) have your mutual connection make the introduction.

Work with a recruiter. By establishing a relationship with a recruiter you will have access to job market insights as well as unpublished job opportunities you won’t find online. Your recruiter will have developed a specialized network of contacts within their industry and can refer you to their connections. Through this process your resume will go to the hiring manager rather than getting lost in a stack of applications. (Equis Staffing can connect you with businesses in the Information Technology, Accounting, and Finance industries in Southern California.)

If you’re looking for a proven strategy for securing a job interview, look no further than an inside referral.

If you are looking to hire an IT, Accounting, or Finance professional, or work in any of those fields and looking to advance your career, you can contact Equis Staffing via email at info@equisdifference.com or give us a call at (818) 444-0100.
